Sunday, August 29, 2010

A visualisation meditation.

A guided visualisation meditation for you to become grounded, find your focus and become aware of your spirit.

You can read through this guide, form the picture of this scenario then find a quiet comfortable place to put this meditation into action. Before you meditate, make sure you have a large drink of water, turn off all distractions like tv, phone etc. Maybe have some peaceful music playing in the background. Instrumentals are best otherwise you may tend to focus on words of songs. Please don’t be under the influence of drugs or alcohol or when you are extremely tired (you may fall asleep) Just keep focused on the scenario that I have outlined, if your mind starts to wander to other things then just bring it back to the meditation. As you are forming the pictures in your mind you will start to see other images or symbols appear as if they are all part of the movie you are watching. You will remember these and it would be good to write things down afterwards. I would love to hear about your meditation experiences so please feel free to email me any comments to

Keep your breathing regular, in through nose, out through mouth. Take as long as you need to do this meditation, don't rush through it, take your time to explore everything you want to see in your mind. If you feel yourself becoming frantic, slow things down, feel the control that you have.

Start by becoming aware of your body. Beginning at the top of your head, become aware of each part of your body, then relax it, then move to the next section, become aware of it, relax it then move to next…. As you are putting your focus to each section of your body, take notice of thoughts or feelings you get. Straight spine, dropped and relaxed shoulders. You can wiggle or move your body to relax it.

Take a journey in your mind. You are at home looking around your room. You feel a sense of security, familiarity, comfort. Concentrate on these feelings and know that you are always safe. You walk out of your front door and straight into a sprawling desert landscape, you feel the dryness of it, the colour of the earth is vibrant and the dirt moves under your feet. You can feel your spirit expand as there is nothing holding you back while you are here. You feel that you become everything, The earth, the sky, the wind. As you walk you feel as much a part of the landscape as all of the other factors.

What other feelings come you while you are here, what images does this evoke for you…..

You notice a small stream of water in a gully and decide to follow it. The water is clear and is slowly moving, after you have been following it for a while, it starts to gather momentum and this makes your increase your speed as well. It leads you into an area of bushes, then into small trees, and then into a large forest. The trees are so tall, they form a canopy that makes the sunlight dappled, it is green and lush and there is a lot of wildlife. You hear birds and look around to see other animals…. What do you see ?.... are they comfortable with you or do they keep their distance. How do you react to them ? You are enriched here with water, fruits from the plants are abundant and tasty.

Your body feels rejuvenated here, refreshed, healed….. imagine this feeling flowing through your body.

You continue to walk beside the stream which has widened in the forest and become a small yet fast running river. You follow it and notice that there is a loud raging sound approaching which is the water moving over the waterfall on the side of the cliff. It is forceful yet peaceful in its surroundings. You can feel it’s energy and you are absorbing this into your spirit. As you stand at the top of the waterfall looking around you feel as comfortable here as you do in your own home. This is also your home and you are safe.

It is time to return to your house. Do you return on the path you have just taken or do you take a new path. Go with what feels right for you.

You enter your house again and close your front door behind you. Now open your eyes and re-focus before you start to move. Drink some more water and think about all of the images that appeared to you, any emotions that were stirred, any thing that surprised you ?...

Write down your experience if you like.. Just like keeping a dream diary, you can keep a track of what you see when you do meditations as well.

Don’t be upset if you don’t feel like this really worked for you. Meditation takes practise and it if is the first time that you have done it then give yourself a few more times just to relax into the process.

Love and Gratitude,

Lisa xxx

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